Roger Wilmshurst 'Birds and other Wildlife Photography' by Roger Wilmshurst who is equally at home with still and movie photography, see Roger's composite digital images and videos on 'British Birds in Song' and 'British Butterflies'
Dickie Duckett An excellent wildlife website full of interest and variety, both from the UK and internationally.
Eric McCabe The website of member Eric McCabe detailing many travels and a regular Blog with items of local interest
Nature Photographers Portfolio Nature Photographers Portfolio was founded in 1944 and is one of the largest postal portfolio clubs of nature and wildlife photography in the UK.
General Travel Photography Some U.S. based advice on travelling with a camera. Glossary An explanation of some photography terms with further links
Mike Lane This site displays the work of Mike Lane, one of the UK's leading nature photographers. Mike offers excellent advice and his site shows the wide range of his photography from around the world.
Underwater photography Looking for something different - get in the water with your camera